Anyway I have a few nice bits and pieces to post. Firstly I squealed with delight when I found that Tom Gauld has a Flickr with all of his illustrations from the Guardian. Happiness. Secondly I wept (not really but close) because Kid Koala arranges these really awesome evenings of quiet time music to be creative to. I'm weeping because it is in Montreal which is extremely far away. Quiet people are invited. No dancing. Actually, this sounds like the kind of thing I'd love to organise. Hmm. Thirdly Olivier Tallec has some lovely illustrations (which have a slight Quentin Blakey kinda feel to them). J'adore parce que my french has disappeared on me. Sur le weekend j'ai vu le film en francais appele "Hors de Prix" ou "Priceless" en anglais, starring the beautiful Audrey Tautou who was being particularly amusing avec her co-star Gad Elmaleh. Amuuuuuuusing. Amuse bouches. I also saw "He's just not that into you" yesterday with an old friend which was amazing fun and I laughed and cried simultaneously. This has taken me ages to write, my hot water bottle is lukewarm and my toes are cold. Not cool. I must go and shower I think. L x

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