Thursday, 16 July 2009

She killed Sirius Black, but she has cool style

Whilst watching Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince yesterday I noticed that Bellatrix Lestrange was wearing the coolest/most morbid necklace ever. I really want one now!

Also, I was pondering an interesting question. When Harry wins the Felix Felicis from Slughorn, he says that only one student has ever won it before him. Obviously that is Snape, but I wonder what he used his Liquid Luck for?

hmmm. I believe a canon conundrums is in order....


  1. really? hmmm, i will test this....

  2. hopefully you can see it now!!!

  3. Yeah i see it now! It is cool :) Possibly a bit big.. but whateva

  4. i know she has the best style ever she is one of my fav characters in film

  5. I found this post while google searching for where to get this necklace. I know this is an old post, but in case you haven't heard and still want it, these are being sold at the WB shop :),default,pd.html?cgid=hpjewelry

    I'm ordering one!
